As WGM plans to fulfill its mission and vision, we have identified 8 areas that will receive special and deliberate emphasis.  

These areas of deliberate focus are our "Strategic Initiatives."  

All all levels of the organization (from the board level to the field ministry and missionary), we make specific, actionable plans to move these initiatives forward.

We will renew our focus on equipping WGM and its constituency for individual and corporate prayer that is passionate and faith-filled.

We will increase our recruiting efforts and systems to the level necessary to achieve the doubling of the number of fully-qualified, healthy, and engaged missionaries serving with WGM by March, 2022. This will include seeking missionaries from ajn ever-increasing pool of potential candidates including missionaries from around the world.

We will launch a leadership development initiative that will result in WGM having an abundance of well qualified and seasoned individuals capable of leading at various levels within WGM – a leadership bench. Although it may take up to 10 years to see the full fruit of this leadership development initiative, our objective will be to have the initiative designed and implemented at full strength within 3 years.

As we are increasing our impact capacity, we will identify and implement healthy systems and practices that will support healthy missionaries, healthy teams, healthy leaders, and a healthy organization.

WGM will clearly communicate its commitment to help each individual find their unique role in God’s mission and purposefully prepare them to fill it well.

We will focus on developing new and increased sources of funding for the general mission, missional projects, and missionary endeavors.

We will review existing systems and logistics at every level to determine where reorganization, and/or expansion is necessary in order to accommodate the growth of the Mission and the increase in the number of missionaries.

Intentionally and prayerfully maximize our current partnerships and identify and build relationships with other organizations for greater Kingdom impact.