WGM International Ministries is pleased to introduce IPSAT:  The Identity Profile Self-Awareness Tool.

This online tool, produced by nexleader helps individuals and teams quantify the awareness and understanding of their “identity profiles,” and then, through a coach-supported process, discover more of who they are how they can reach their highest potential.

It is important to understand the IPSAT is not a new assessment. It is a process designed by nexleader to help you gain the maximum value from existing assessments.

The IPSAT journey will help you discover, optimize and unleash the kingdom resources God put inside you, with three specific outcomes:

1. Confidence and clarity about how you can add the most value to others and make your best contribution to a team

2. Prioritize the aspects of your identity that are underdeveloped and ripe for growth

3. Reveal the self-defeating behaviors that flow from your identity and could sabotage relationships or derail your influence with others

Here's a link to introduce IPSAT:  https://myipsat.com/non-profit-faith

What is my "Identify Profile?"

Your Identity Profile is the unique combination of personality, strengths, skills, spiritual gifts, and passions.

ipsat passions graphic 1Imagine each of these five components as test tubes of raw material God pours into the beaker of your life where they organically combine to form your unique identity molecule. You don’t fully understand your Identity Profile until you can explain it concisely using common language that would make sense to anyone, even if they’ve never heard of the resources that helped you discover your identity.

OK.  What makes the IPSAT unique?

Here’s a very brief summary of the key differentiators in the IPSAT process:

Step 1: Identity Profile Exercise

Tthis happens inside the onboarding platform, where users are guided through the process of engaging with five pre-IPSAT assessments focused on their Identity Profile. Users don’t have to retake assessments they have already completed as long as they have the results. And you don’t have to take all the assessments at once. You can login and logout of the onboarding platform over time based on the margin available in your schedule.

Step 2: Self-Awareness Exercise

This happens by responding to 25 statements designed to guide deeper reflection on how well you understand and how engaged you are with the five components of your Identity Profile. It produces the score in the IPSAT report and puts the user in one of four stages of identity self-awareness.

Step 3: Self Authoring Exercise

We have borrowed the self authoring label from the research of two psychologists (one from the University of Toronto and the other from the University of Texas).

The metaphor we’ve found helpful is to think of self authoring like you were a translator responsible for capturing the most important information about yourself from the five pre-IPSAT assessment reports and translating the generalized computer generated language into five personalized (self authored) statements that are meaningful to you and helpful for the people around you.

You can read more about how we apply self authoring to our process here.

What resources are used for each of the five components of my Identify Profile?

To engage the IPSAT you will receive an email from the WGM group administrator with a link to create your lifetime account. Once you create your account you will begin the onboarding process, which will guide you step-by-step.

Here’s a quick overview of the resources included in the Identity Profile Exercise referenced above.


ipsat PersonalityTo help you identify your behavioral type, we are using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator®, which many staff are familar with.

The Myers Briggs assessment is available free from www.16personalities.com.  They supply you with the basic assessment reports (about 15 pages) which are very informative and useful.

They also off an extended "premium" report, but WGM has purchased the complete set of these and they are available to you once you complete your MBTI assessment online.

If you already know your MBTI profile, you can use that and do not need to retake the assessment.

But if you don't remember, or just want to take it again to see if things may have changed a bit since you took it previously, go ahead and redo the assessment.

You will want to create an account (free), and they will not spam you, but will send some helpful, insightful emails for a few weeks after your assessment with additional information and tips (and the opportunity to buy the premium assessment ... which we are suppling to you at no cost to you.


ipsat Strengths

For strengths, the IPSAT references Clifton Strengths Assessment (formerly StrengthsFinder 2.0). Again, if you have already completed Clifton Strengths and have your results, you don’t need to to do it again.

If you need to take it, you will find links inside the IPSAT onboaording platform.

This is the only resource in the IPSAT process with an additional fee ($ 19.99)  This is a resimbursable expense for WGM staff.

They also have a helpful app available for Android and iOS that let's you keep your StrengthsFinder results on your phone or tablet.


ipsat SkillsFor skills, to standardize and simplify the process, the IPSAT uses a proprietary Skills Inventory accessible within the onboarding platform.

So you will not have been able to complete this prior to creating your account. Just follow the steps in the onboarding platform to complete the Skills Inventory.



Spiritual Gifts

ipsat Spiritual Gifts

For spiritual gifts, the IPSAT allows groups to point to the assessment they like the best.

WGM is using the default spiritual gifts test recommended by nexleader and the link is provided in the onboarding platform.

Remember, if you have already completed a spiritual gifts test and are confident about the results, you don’t have to do it again.


ipsat Passions

For passions, the IPSAT references myPassionProfile.com, which will give you a model and framework for understanding your passions. This resource is not designed to tell you what your passions are. It is designed to help you discover what level of passion you have for three issues or causes about which you care deeply.

Be sure to use the discount code on the passion page of the IPSAT onboarding platform to zero out the cost of myPassionProfile.com. If you can’t find your passion in the menu provided, click on the link –

What if I can’t find my passion in the menu provided?

Click on the link "What if I can't find my passion?"  Then, you will be able to create an issue/cause of your own.

Completing the Passions Profile assessment will enable you to...

Explore possible areas of issue-based passion

Passion is not hard-wired like your personality or your strengths. Only you can determine if you are passionate about a hobby (interest-based passion) or cause (issue-based passion), and your passions will almost certainly change over time. The My Passion Profile tool will expose you to a wide variety of possible issue-based passions; you will select which ones help you come alive.

Reality-test the level of passion you have for up to three issue-based passions

While only you can confirm what you are passionate about, this assessment steps in to give you a report on the depth of your passions. My Passion Profile ranks your passions in the order of their importance to you and gives you feedback on how to engage those issue-based passions more fully.

Provide common language about passion that enables you to connect with an online community of like-minded people

Passionate people are naturally drawn to others who share their self-directed commitment to a specific cause.

No matter how gifted, resourced or networked you are, having the support and encouragement of more people could help you go to the next level in your pursuit of one unwavering aim.

I'm interested. What's the next step?

Follow this link to see how the IPSAT process works in WGM.